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Server Support Options

We gladly accept donations.

Outside of our monthly subscription service, we have these options for you to help us grow.  All donations are used to pay the bills associated with maintaining our server(s) and website.  If you'd like to remain anonymous, that's cool; if you'd like your name posted on our Server Supporters page, drop us a note and we will display your name with pride.

If you don't care for the 3 options below and are more of a "I do what I want" kind of person, there is a button at the bottom of the page where you can select any amount your heart desires.  :-)

Your support means everything to us, and we here at Wicked Awesome Gaming strive to make you proud to be a supporter.  Thank you.

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A little something


Don't want to be a monthly subscriber, but still want to help out?  Click here to give "a little something" to help support the server you know and love.

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I want to help


Do you love what you see on our server?  Do you want to help us maintain and grow?  Choose this option should you feel compelled to do so.

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I got your back


If you have fallen in love with Wicked Awesome Gaming and you want to ensure we have the means to provide you with the best gaming experience, this is the option for you.

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